首页 > 外装部分 > 救生设备 > 救生信号 > 供应救生圈自亮浮灯烟雾信号,组合烟雾信号


更新时间:2011-11-01   访问统计:1515   询价统计:0

救生圈能提供自亮灯和自发烟雾信号供白昼和黑夜使用并相等地分布在船舶两舷A lifebuoy is provided with self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal which is available for use by dayand at night and to be equally distribu-ted on both sides of the ship.
发烟时间>15min Somke Duration     发光强度≥2cd  Luminous Intensity
能源时间≥2h   Period of Energy Source
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