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更新时间:2013-06-20   访问统计:2048   询价统计:0


Ship launching airbags
Ship launching airbags can be used to launch and upgrade a ship up to 100,000DWT. The "flexible launching techonology" makes this new ship launching method widely used all over the world.
Comparing to the traditional slipway launching method, the ship launching airbags are much environmental, because ship launching airbags can launch a ship at any seaside, so there's no need to worry about the construction of luanching facilities; besides, the airbags need not too much maintenance and could be used repeatedly.

Nanhai No.1 airbag characteristics:
1.High strength
2.Wear resistance and anti-aging
3.Good air tightness
4.Safety and reliability 

Airbag specification and performance
The bearing capacity at work pressure is calculated as follows:
Where: Q—Bearing capacity of airbag;
p--Work pressure of airbag;
S--Frontal projected area of contact surface.
The width, B, of the airbag’s contact with a heavy object or ground when the airbag is pressed to certain height, H, (See Fig. 7) can be calculated according to the following equation:

                                        Specifications Air-bags for Marine Use


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