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更新时间:2021-07-26   访问统计:2167   询价统计:0

HPA-9700 series
Public Address with talkback System is designed for general announcing with advanced technology and complies with IMO regulation 111/6.5 & Res. MSC.47(66) performance standards.
This system is also specially made to keep good performance under the harsh environment of vessel at sea.
For the system, paging function through auto telephone exchanger and talk-back function are available.
Interfacing with external general emergency alarm, fire alarm, air horn and signal light column are also available.
Type Approva by DNV, RINA and CCS
System Feature
.Flexible choice of output power and installation space
.Reliable and durable performance
.Simple installation and easy maintenance
.Convenient control with microprocessor and diode matrix
.Automatic main/em’cy power changeover
.Automatic main/sub amplifier changeover in dual system
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