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Martek Marine iECDIS™

更新时间:2015-08-04   访问统计:2392   询价统计:0

Martek Marine:


iECDIS™ is MED approved providing “Intelligent, iChart, Innovation”

- rest assured it provides all ECDIS functionality as per the IMO performance standards, but there again so do all ECDIS so we won’t bore you with all the legislative features. With iECDIS™ though, you get a series of unique features that give you a real performance advantage:

•      Fan-less cooling system

•      No moving parts

•      32GB SSD

•      8GB of RAM

•      Military Spec

•      Unique Compressed SENC format 5x smaller database for faster updates – lower data charges 

•      Jeppesen Powered

•      MED Approved

•      Global Service/Support Network

•      Multiple mounting options

•      Global Training Centres (with option for CBT)

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