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更新时间:2016-03-03   访问统计:4323   询价统计:0


The Professional FSW Center








Beijing FSW Technology Co., Ltd (China FSW Center, CFSWC), a sub-company owned by AVIC Beijing aeronautical manufacturing technology research institute (BAMTRI), was the Chinese pioneer to carry out technical research and developing of friction stir welding in China market, which covers: FSW Sub-licenses issue and supervising, FSW technical trainings and service, FSW equipment development and industrial FSW products manufacturing, FSW quality detection and detectors agency, FSW Tools development and sales. CFSWC set the milestone for the development, promotion and application of FSW in China.


Over past fourteen years, since 2002, China FSW Center has taken great efforts on developing technology and application of friction stir welding, which made this process getting applied in many Chinese industrial areas including new generation aircraft, aerospace rocket and defense missile, fast ferry and warship, express railway vehicle, electric and power industries etc.. CFSWC has really made great contribution on development and improvement of the Chinese industrial manufacturing technology.

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