青岛创鑫达阀门公司主营日标国标德标船用阀门铸造,加工,组装;经过公司全体上下多年努力,公司主要产品或得国内外客户一致好评;并且或得DNV BV CCS BKI ABS等多家船级社对铸造以及产品认可。公司主要产品铸铁铸钢青铜船用阀门;主要市场:中日韩,印度尼西亚,希腊等。
CXD majors in JIS/DIN/GB marine cast iron, cast steel and bronze marine valve casting, machinning, assembling, and package. After years hardwork of all team members, CXD marine valve has got partners recognation from both in and out of China. At present, CXD has got DNV BV BKI casting works certificagte and DNV BV CCS BKI type approval; our marinevalves has set good reputation in China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Greece and e.g.