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Devcon 11480耐高温耐磨防护剂

更新时间:2013-01-21   访问统计:2233   询价统计:0

Devcon 11480 Wear Guard High Temp(耐高温耐磨防护剂)
描述:Devcon 11480 Wear Guard High Temp(耐高温耐磨防护剂)是一种以高密度、微小颗粒氧化铝陶瓷材料作为填充材料的环氧修补剂。可以在高温情况下具有很好的耐磨损能力。 用途 可用于修补和维护磨煤机,管路弯管,输料槽,漏斗,破碎机等。产品特点 可耐温至232C°,可很好地粘接金属、陶瓷、水泥比传统的耐磨复合材料提高了30%的耐磨能力优良的耐酸、碱、盐能力   

Devcon Wear Guard High Temp
High-Temperature and high-density, ceramic bead-filled epoxy system for maximum wear and abrasion resistance in processing equipment.

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•Heat-cured, trowelable system that gives up to 30% improvement over conventional wear compounds
•Withstands continuous service temperatures to 450°F
•Unmatched resistances to many acids, bases, salts, and solvents
•Excellent abrasion resistance to all sizes of materials and particulate in high heat applications such as exhausters, pulverizers, and cyclones

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