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“JRC” Fish Cage Monitoring System

更新时间:2017-06-21   访问统计:4918   询价统计:0

“JRC” Fish Cage Monitoring System
24-hour monitoring of suspected boats approaching “fish cages’
The “fish cages” are monitored by the radar system on a 24-hour basis to prevent the intrusion of suspected boats. The radr system is operated by the Solar Power Island installed in the vicinity of the fish cages. If a suspected boat crosses the intrusion detection line, the fish cage administrator is informed of it by e-mail and the suspected boat is exposed by the irradiation of the flashlight for the crime prevention. The administrator can assess to the J-Marine Cloud on Internet to monitor the situation of the fish cages from a remote place
- Collaboration of “Fish Cages”, “Solar Power Generation” and “Radar and Cloud”
- Monitoring of Suspected Boats by Radar
- Monitoring of Fish Cages by Use of Cloud
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