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1. 800吨加油船(无限航区)

该船为新建转售船,早先已交付两条给阿联酋船东。得到一致好评。价格可以进一步商谈,交货期约为2013年第一季度。主要参数如下: Class: RINA LOA: 44.8m/LPP: 42m/Bm:10.2m/Dm:4.22m/Design Draft:3.25m/ Total tank capacity: 808.2 m3 Deadweight: 813.4 t at design draft Speed: 9.5 knts ME: NTA855-M *2, Power: 261 KW*18

2. 5000吨油驳

5000吨油驳 本船装运闪点为60度以下的原油或者成品油的油驳 Principal Dimension Length Overall: 85.34m Breadth Molded: 21.95m Depth Molded: 6.096m Complement: 6 Persons Tank capacity: C. O. Tank Capacity: 6200.7m3 Overflow Oil Tank:

3. 3600吨油驳

3600dwt Oil Barge The vessel will built as an ocean going barge of towed type. The barge will be designed for the carriage of oil and petroleum Products with flash point below 60!aC and with maximum speciic gravity up to 1,05 tonn/m3. Classification: AB