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更新时间:2017-06-22   访问统计:1307   询价统计:0

 I.V.I. Marine Duty Fans

Marine duty fans require different construction features than regular industrial applications. The
solicitations endured by the machines during navigation require hardiness qualities and capacitance
of absorption of those vibrations caused by the unpredictable environmental conditions.
Because of the reduced spaces, those components in need of maintenance interventions have to be
easily reachable.
I.V.I. fans fully satisfy all the demands of this particular usage, also warranting a high quality
level for what concerns performance.
General Features
•   possibility of assembling from any position

•   properly thick carbon steel housings, with flanges that are either rolled or welded in
conformity with the used thicknesses and diameters
•   hot galvanised finish in conformity with provisions
•   fan wheel with alloy extruded anticorodal and antisparking aluminium blades, which main
features are high performance and hardiness
•   electrical  motors  for  naval  usage  answering  to  the standards required by Clients and the
Certifying Companies
•   external terminal box electrically connected to the motor
Specific Realizations
•   possibility of total customizing of the size and materials used for the construction of static
•   completely  non-sparking  execution  with  peraluman  or  copper  band  in  the  fan wheel’s
rotation area
•   electrical  explosion  proof  motors  with  connections  and  external  terminal  box
completely in Eexd execution


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