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1. 销售美国PERMA PURE干燥管

PERMA PURE干燥管     上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司第一分公司供应美国PERMA PURE干燥器、PERMA PURE干燥管、PERMA PURE湿度调节器、PERMA PURE过滤器、PERMA PURE气体取样系统等。                                             美国Perma Pure公司成立于1972年。1978年Perma Pure公司向DuPont公司买下了使用Nafion材料生产气管的特许权。Perma Pure公司的总公司是成立于1894年的Halma p.l.c.控股公司,该公司在环境服务方面已经赢取了多项奖项。系统功能:完整的Mini-GASS系统可以完成样气过滤、干燥除水和样气降温的功能。                                   常用产品:PERMA PURE干燥器、PERMA PURE干燥管、PERMA PURE湿度调节器、PERMA PURE过滤器、PERMA PURE气体取样系统等。 型号:MG-、MG-2812-、PD-、PD-50T-、PD-50T-24SS、PD-50T-12MPP、PD-50T-24MPS、PD-50T-24MPP 、PD-50T-48SS 、PD-50T-72MPP 、PD-100T-、PD-100T-12SS、PD-100T24PR、PD- 100T-24SS、PD-100T-12MPS、PD-100T-72MPS、PD-200T-、PD-200T-12MPS、PD-200T-12SS、PD-200T-72MPS 、PD-625-12PP 、PPPD-、PPPD-50T-24SS 、GM-、GM-01-F1、GM-02-F1、 AMBI-、MD-、MD-070-、MD-070-24S 、MD-070-48S 、MD-070-F-24 、MD-110-、MD-110-24P、MD-110-24P-4、MD-110-48P-4 、MD-110-144P-4、MH-、MH-110-48F-4等等。 Perma Pure公司成立于1972年。1978年,Perma Pure公司向DuPont公司买下了使用Nafion材料生产气管的特许权。Perma Pure公司的母公司是Halma p.l.c.控股公司,该公司在环境服务方面已经赢取了多项奖项。Perma Pure 公司的产品行销,主要用于医药、工业和科技应用。Perma Pure 公司是 Nafion管在的供货商。此种材质的干燥管,特别耐腐蚀且对水有选择性渗透,因此Nafion管特别适用于样气的干燥或加湿。它可以将水加入样气里或将样气里的水除去,而对样气的成分不会有任何影响。PERMA PURE过滤功能----样气处理的就是过滤颗粒物和悬浮微粒。PERMAPURE干燥功能----除尘后的样气进入Nafion管干燥器,由于湿度梯度,水分子从高湿向低湿端移动。样气需在管内停留一定的时间,因此应根据流量的要求,选择适当长度的Nafion管。干燥效果同时与管外干燥气体的露点和流速有相关性。PERMA PURE降温功能----常温的样气有利于分析仪器正常工作。管外干燥气体从样气的出口方向进入,从入口方向排除。干燥气体不仅用于带走外表面水份,同时用于样气降温;此外,内外表面的温差加速了水分子的传送。 常用产品型号有:MD-050,MD-070,MA-110,MDH-110-96F-4, PD-50T-12(MPP,MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-50T-24(MPP,MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-50T-48(MPP,MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-50T-72(MPP,MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-100T-12(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-100T-24(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-100T-48(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-100T-72(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-200T-12(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-200T-24(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-200T-48(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),PD-200T-72(MPS,MKS,MKA,SS,SA),MH-050 MH-070 MH-110,MG-、MG-2812-、PD-、PD-50T-、PD-50T-24SS、PD-50T-12MPP、PD-50T-24MPS、PD-50T-24MPP 、PD-50T-48SS 、PD-50T-72MPP 、PD-100T-、PD-100T-12SS、PD-100T24PR、PD-100T-24SS、PD-100T-12MPS、PD-100T-72MPS、PD-200T-、PD-200T-12MPS、PD-200T-12SS、PD-200T-72MPS 、PD-625-12PP 、PPPD-、PPPD-50T-24SS 、GM-、GM-01-F1、GM-02-F1、AMBI-、MD-、MD-070-、MD-070-24S 、MD-070-48S 、MD-070-F-24 、MD-110-、MD-110-24P、MD-110-24P-4、MD-110-48P-4 、MD-110-144P-4、MH-、MH-110-48F-4……         干燥管 PD-50T-24 MKS 干燥管 MD-070-48P-04 干燥管 PD-50T-24MPP 干燥管 MD-110-48P-4 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 干燥管 PD-50T-24MPP 干燥管 MD-110-48P-4 干燥管 PD-50T-24 MKS 干燥管 MD-110-48P-4 干燥器 MD-110-72F-4 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 干燥管 PD-50T-24 MKS 干燥管 PD-50T-24 MKS 干燥管 MD-110-48F-2 干燥管 PD-50T-24MPP 干燥管 ME-110-24BB 干燥管 MD-110-48F-2 干燥管 PD-50T-24MPP 干燥管 ME-110-24BB 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 干燥管 MD-110-48P-4 加湿管 FC100-80-6MKS 干燥管 PD-100T-12MSS 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 管子 TT-110 内径:0.086″外径:0.108″ 干燥器 MD-110-144P-4 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4 膜式干燥器 MD-110-48F-4 干燥管 PD-200T-24E-M 干燥管 MD-110-48P-4 干燥管 MD-110-24F-4   我公司还销售德国EWO过滤器、美国ROSS过滤器、德国BUHLER过滤器、德国Intensiv过滤器、德国INTERNORMEN过滤器、法国OLAER过滤器、日本TAISEI过滤器、瑞典ABSOLENT过滤器等产品,欢迎来电咨询。    

2. 销售日本ATEC导轨

上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司第一分公司销售日本ATEC轴承、ATEC导轨、ATEC球阀、ATEC滚珠等产品。 ATEC Armaturenbau und -Technik GmbH成立于1989年的ATEC是一家工业球阀制造商,工厂位于日本。该公司开发、设计、制造特殊的球阀,球阀产品拥有独特的、阀体内无空腔设计,采用软密封和金属密封系统,钛和哈氏合金等特殊材料的制造,可用于极端条件下的工况。 产品应用于化工、制药、食品和化妆品等行业。ATEC重视客户的需求,在质量保证、可靠性和灵活性的设计,开发和制造等方面,拥有丰富经验的合格的工作人员。 在企业内部生产制造的所有球阀是可按客户的需求、灵活的制造并对客户保证短的交货时间。对于客户不断变化的需求,ATEC已经发展成为一个创新的工业用特殊球阀供应商,并在许多地区得以应用。 ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV15 ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV30 ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV50H ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV80 planeveyor 钢珠滚轮 PV120H planeveyor 钢珠滚轮 PVP30J planeveyor 钢珠滚轮 PV15U ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV30U ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV50UH ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV30UX ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV30-B ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV5-C ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV8-C ATEC PV-B series planeveyor 螺栓型滚轮 PV10B ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV16B ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV20B ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV20B-3×4C ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV50B ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV120B ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV-F series ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV50F ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV120F ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV160F ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV260F ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV400F ATEC 螺栓型滚轮 PV900F ATEC PV-H series ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV50H ATEC 钢珠滚轮 PV120H ATEC PV-BH series ATEC 平滑万向球 PV20BH ATEC 平滑万向球 PV50BH ATEC 平滑万向球 PV120BH ATEC PVS-B series ATEC 万向轮 PVS20B ATEC 万向轮 PVS50B ATEC 万向轮 PVS120B ATEC PV-FH series ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV50FH ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV120FH ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV160FH ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV260FH ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV400FH ATEC ?切割货物螺栓型/万向球 PV900FH planeveyor PVS-F series planeveyor 滑动压制成形品 PVS50F ATEC 滑动压制成形品 PVS120F planeveyor 滑动压制成形品 PVS160FM ATEC 滑动压制成形品 PVS260FM planeveyor 滑动压制成形品 PVS400FM ATEC 滑动压制成形品 PVS900FM planeveyor PV-C / PV-CF series planeveyor 滚珠 PV5-C ATEC 滚珠 PV8-C planeveyor 滚珠 PV20C ATEC 滚珠 PV50C planeveyor 滚珠 PV80C ATEC 滚珠 PV200C planeveyor 滚珠 PV50CF ATEC PV-CAM series 我公司还销售意大利ROLLON导轨、瑞士schneeberger导轨、美国NEWWAY导轨、法国NADELLA导轨、日本IKO导轨、德国KABELSCHLEPP拖链、日本TSUBAKI拖链、日本THK导轨、韩国KODUCT拖链、韩国CPS拖链等产品,欢迎来电咨询。    

3. 销售英国TWIFLEX联轴器

上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司第一分公司供应英国TWIFLEX制动器、TWIFLEX联轴器、TWIFLEX振动器、TWIFLEX执行器、TWIFLEX夹钳、TWIFLEX控制器、TWIFLEX插件板、TWIFLEX控制板。     TWIFLEX (多福)是大的工业盘式制动器厂商,产品被广泛使用于传送机,吊车起升及其运行机构,卷扬机和牵引机等设备上,尤其能在例如钢铁厂之类的极端操作环境下使用。产品包括:气动制动器,液压制动器,制动盘,制动摩擦片,连轴器,液压泵站等。 相关产品:英国TWIFLEX执行器、TWIFLEX夹钳、TWIFLEX控制器、TWIFLEX插件板、TWIFLEX控制板、英国TWIFLEX刹车、TWIFLEX联轴器 型号列举:执行器EAPARTN 07701211;夹钳6780710/AJ81;控制器7701241;Part No:7200525;插件板13073 3059;电源箱AC3MK2;抱闸夹子TYPE MX13;制动器GMR40SD; 摩擦片 0780123-Z 摩擦片 0780123-Z MX卡钳+推进器 P/N:6780685+P/N:7200576 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 制动器 EA#7701211 推进器 P/N:7200654 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 气压缸 7200773 卡钳 6780685 BRK MX13 执行器 EA #7701211 推动器 6780971+7200108 推进器 7200778 卡钳 6780685 BRK MX13 执行器 EA #7701211 气压缸 7200773 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 推动器 6780971+7200108 推进器 7200778 制动器 XSH7.5  7500147 液压抱闸 13728-55(B58413)  液压抱闸 13728(B57959) 冷轧宽幅光亮纠偏制动器 MUS4制动器  P/N: 6780918+7201127 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 控制器 AC-5 #7701341 制动器 XSH7.5  7500147 T20摩擦片 7080134-Z T20制动器 P/N:6781634  制动器 EA#7701211 推进器 7200276  控制器 AC-5 #7701341 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 制动器 CE/2 Brake Caliper 6780583 推进器 7200276  制动器 BRAKE VC CALIPER PART NO : 6780250   盘式制动器 GMR25 SH15 (6780971+7500106) 制动器 BRAKE VC CALIPER PART NO : 6780250   气压缸 7200773 制动器 卡钳#6780685+推进器#7701211+控制器#7701341 抱闸 SD15.6 摩擦片 0780123-Z 摩擦片 7080118-Z 摩擦片 0780123-Z 制动器 P/N:6780413+7200770 制动器 卡钳#6780685+推进器#7701211+控制器#7701341 弹簧式气动推动器 SD8.4 PART:7200924 摩擦片 0780123-Z 推进器 7200276  控制器 AC-5 #7701341 制动器 EAPARTNO7701211 液压抱闸 13728-55(B58413)  液压抱闸 13728(B57959) 冷轧宽幅光亮纠偏制动器 MUS4制动器  P/N: 6780918+7201127 推进器 P/N:7200654 摩擦片 P/N:0780123-Z 抱闸闸片机构 TYPE EA PART NO.7701211 控制器 AC-5 #7701341 制动器 EAPARTNO7701211 摩擦片 0780123-Z    

4. GTM-D 二氧化碳灭火器灌装机

GTM-D type carbon dioxide filling machine instruction manual I. Overview     GTM-D type CO2 filling machine is a new product developed and produced by researchers in our factory with reference to the advanced technology and advantages of CO2 filling machines at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of bottled CO2 as a gas-liquid mixture.Because it is a liquid conversion between a closed pipeline and a container, it is fast and efficient in filling, and it is an ideal replacement equipment for traditional CO2 filling machines.This machine has the characteristics of compact structure, stable operation, energy saving, accurate filling, small size, small footprint, and wide range of uses. It is the ideal equipment of choice for manufacturers of CO2 fire extinguishers for production and maintenance. 2. Main technical parameters 1.Technical parameters of filling equipment   1.1 Rated pressure: 3-10MPa 1.2 Applicable temperature: 20℃-45℃ 1.3 Power supply voltage: 220V/50Hz 1.4 Motor power: 1.5kW 1.5 Volume: 1100*620*1110mm (length×width×height) 1.6 Weight: 150kg 3. Description of the operation process 1. Equipment placement and stability: Before the equipment is used, the equipment should be placed in sequence according to actual needs. All parts of the equipment should be placed on the horizontal ground and placed smoothly.This equipment consists of three parts: a weighing table, a filling machine, and an air source cylinder bracket.Among them, the filling machine is composed of a motor, a CO2 high-pressure pump, a pressure sensor, a weighing table, a safety valve, a high-pressure ball valve and a matching high-pressure pipeline.After the weighing platform is placed, the casters should be adjusted to make it place smoothly; after the filling machine part is placed, the casters should be put on the brakes so that it cannot be moved at will; after the air source cylinder bracket is placed on the horizontal ground, it should be adjusted so that it should not shake at will. It is appropriate. 2. Wiring: Before turning on the power, connect the power cord and connect the ground wire, connect the filling machine line to the weighing table (just plug the plug into the weighing table), turn on the power supply, turn on the power switch, the meter is on, indicating that the power supply is normal, press the filling start button, the motor can drive the high-pressure pump to work, press the filling stop button, the high-pressure pump stops working. 3. Pipeline connection: connect the A joint on the filling pipe (Figure 2) to the CO2 gas source cylinder on the bracket, and the B joint at the other end of the conveying pipe (Figure 2) to the air inlet of the high-pressure pump; then connect the air outlet of the filling machine to the B joint of another filling pipe (Figure 2), and connect the A joint of this filling pipe (Figure 2) to the bottle valve of the fire extinguisher to be filled.After the connected pipeline is checked for accuracy in all directions as required, the fire extinguisher is placed on the weighing table and ready to be filled with CO2. 4. Filling of fire extinguishers: First, after connecting the pipelines, close the manual ball valve (Figure 2) connected to the fire extinguisher valve pipeline, put the fire extinguisher on the weighing table, turn on the power switch, and set the system pressure gauge to 12 MPa (If the system pressure exceeds 12Mpa, the high-pressure pump stops running.The pressure has been set at the factory, and the user does not need to set it again. If you need to reset it, you can refer to the instrument setting method on the next page), after the weighing display instrument is cleared to zero, then set the weight of the CO2 to be filled, and then open the CO2 cylinder valve, observe the system pressure gauge indicator, when the system pressure gauge no longer changes, the pressure in the pipeline reaches equilibrium, then press down the CO2 cylinder valve and fix it, turn on the control switch, the high-pressure pump starts to work, CO2 is sucked and discharged through the high-pressure pump in the filling machine, and the CO2 is transported from the outlet of the pump to the waiting Put in a fire extinguisher.During the first filling, because there is air or CO2 gas in the tube, it is easy to cause gasification when the high-pressure pump is running, so it needs to be deflated until the liquid is discharged before the filling can be started.After the filling weight is reached, the CO2 pump immediately stops working, closes the manual ball valve connected to the fire extinguisher bottle valve (Figure 2), then releases the handle of the fire extinguisher bottle valve to close it, and finally loosens and removes the A joint of the filling pipe connected to the fire extinguisher (Figure 2), and then removes the filled fire extinguisher to complete the filling work.    

5. GTM-B二氧化碳灭火器灌装机

Precautions for carbon dioxide fire extinguisher filling machine Maintenance and maintenance 1.During use, check whether the fasteners at each joint are loose at any time, and tighten them immediately if they are loose. 2.After each shift is stopped or when it is not in use for a long time, the remaining air in the pipeline and pump should be cleaned. 3.The cylinder where CO2 is stored should be kept clean and free of dirt to prevent clogging of the valve port. Precautions 1. This equipment must have good protective wiring. 2. All electrical appliances and circuits of this equipment shall not be injected with water and other debris. 3. The filling machine should be installed in a dry, ventilated, clean and flat work site. 4. The equipment should be used at the rated voltage, otherwise it will cause failure. 5. Do not pry or hit with heavy objects arbitrarily inside the weighing platform, and do not rotate the bolts to prevent changing the limit gap. The weighing platform should be leveled before use (overloading is strictly prohibited). 6. Metal high-pressure hoses cannot be twisted forcefully or the bending radius of the pipeline is too small. 7. The power cord should be cut off after the equipment is turned off or after get off work, and the remaining air in the pipeline should be cleaned. 8. For units that use carbon dioxide filling equipment, five requirements and five requirements must be met. 9. After the filling of the fire extinguisher is completed, the pressure of the bottle valve must be loosened before the A joint of the filling pipe can be unscrewed, otherwise it will easily cause dangerous accidents. 10. When connecting the pipeline, be sure to connect and tighten it according to the signs pasted on the pipeline, otherwise it will easily damage the pipe joint. For units that use carbon dioxide filling equipment, five requirements and five requirements must be met. Five essentials: (1) Only units with permits issued by the competent fire protection department at a higher level can repair and produce. (2) There must be rules and regulations of the quality assurance system and operating processes that meet national standards in order to maintain production. (3) Only fixed operators who have undergone special training, are serious and responsible for their work, and hold induction certificates can maintain production. (4) There must be a production site with good ventilation, cleanliness and width (greater than 20m2) in order to maintain production. (5) There must be a safety protective barrier. The strength of the barrier between the operator and the equipment must be greater than the strength equivalent to 120mm thick reinforced concrete, and the height must be higher than the height of the operator by more than 300mm. Five do not: (1) Do not use fire extinguishers that have not been hydrostatic tested in accordance with GB4399-84 for filling. (2) Do not use equipment without a good safety grounding device, and fire extinguishing agent cylinders without safety devices for filling. (3) Do not use equipment that has not been inspected in all directions for consoles, instruments, pipes, fixtures, and weighing instruments when you are on duty for filling. (4) Do not use cylinders, valves, electrician straws, and fuse accessories that do not meet relevant national standards for filling. (5) Do not use weighing instruments, instruments, and equipment that have not been inspected within the time limit for filling. Technical parameters of GTM-B filling equipment 1.1 Rated pressure: ≤7MPa 1.2 Applicable temperature: -5℃-5℃ 1.3 Power supply voltage: 220V 1.4 Motor power: kw 1.5 Volume: 1780*1490*1170mm (length×width×height) 1.6 Weight: 230kg  

6. GFM16-1C灭火器干粉灌装机

Operation guide for Fire extinguisher filling equipment As a preference, the fire extinguisher filling machine is provided with a safety door on the mouth of the dry powder delivery frame, and a bottom plate is provided in the safety box.Put the fire extinguisher on the bottom plate through the dry powder delivery frame, the head of the fire extinguisher enters the dry powder filling gap, the dry powder filling head is aligned with the head of the fire extinguisher, close the safety door, the safety door is safely closed through a latch or lock, the dry powder filling head is aligned with the head of the fire extinguisher, the propulsion device pushes the dry powder filling head towards the head of the fire extinguisher, the interface is tight, after the top is tight, press down the fire extinguisher pressure handle, and then open the dry powder filling valve, and the dry powder filling begins. Since the safety door is closed, all the fire extinguisher bottles are located in the box. The fire extinguisher does not directly contact the fire extinguisher during the process of filling the dry powder. The safety box is made of materials such as steel plates to separate the body of the operator and all outside personnel from the fire extinguisher at intervals, so as to effectively protect the safety of the operator. During the specific implementation, the dry powder filling head of the fire extinguisher filling machine is aligned with the head of the fire extinguisher, and the propulsion device pushes the dry powder filling head towards the head of the fire extinguisher. The interface is tightened at the top. After the top is tightened, the valve of the dry powder filling head will automatically open. Press down the handle of the fire extinguisher, and the dry powder will start to be filled.When the dry powder filling is completed, the dry powder filling head leaves the dry powder port of the fire extinguisher head, and the valve of the dry powder filling head is automatically closed.The dry powder filling head of this structure changes the prior art to use a foot valve to control the opening and closing of the dry powder source. The dry powder between the foot valve and the dry powder filling head will be wasted during operation.Therefore, the use of a dry-filled powder head with a valve has the advantage of saving dry powder.When specifically implemented, the dry powder filling head with a valve includes a valve body and a valve core set in the valve body. The valve core is provided with a hollow dry powder guide hole, the head of the valve core is provided with a dry powder filling sealing ring, the middle of the valve core is provided with a groove, the groove is provided with a sealing ring, the tail of the valve core is provided with a step, and it is provided with a dry powder hole, the dry powder hole and the dry powder guide hole communicate, the tail of the valve core is provided with an internal thread, the tail of the valve body is provided with an external thread, the tail of the valve core is rotated with a screw with a valve sealing ring, the valve sealing ring is at the end of the valve body, and the valve body is rotated with a valve with a dry powder inlet Seat, the valve seat is provided with a spring, which is mounted on the head of the screw.  

7. GFM16-1B灭火器干粉灌装机

Compared with the prior art, the beneficial effects of the new type of fire extinguisher filling machine are: Because the new type of fire extinguisher filling machine has added assembly lines, filling cabinets, automatic valve-twisting cabinets and dry powder fire extinguishing agent barrels, the design can be filled and filled with dry powder in 3 cylinders at the same time, and the filling time of 3 6-liter fire extinguishers is about 40s. It can fill 180-250 bottles per hour, realizing the integration of valve-twisting and filling, improving the filling effect, and solving the existing dry powder fire extinguisher production technology. The filling operation is slow and the filling time is long, and it is impossible to fill three fire extinguishing agent tanks at the same time. The problem is that the filling operation is slow and the filling time is long. It is impossible to fill three fire extinguishing agent tanks at the same time. .Because the new type of fire extinguisher filling machine has added three large-flow and high-pressure vortex pumps, the design provides conditions for filling three fire extinguishing agent tanks at the same time. Because the new type of fire extinguisher filling machine has added an all-stainless steel frame and a thickened stainless steel conveyor chain, a gear motor, a photoelectric limit switch, and a time controller, the design can implement automatic stop without cylinders and automatic delivery of cylinders. The new type of fire extinguisher filling machine has the advantages of automatic filling, automatic metering, automatic filling of dry powder, and no foam overflow during filling. GFM16-1B fire extinguisher dry powder filling machine Technical parameters: Filling accuracy: 1KG≤±0.02 Filling speed: 5kg/min Voltage: AC220V 50Hz                          Power: 1.1kw Weight: 90kg Volume: Length*width*height 800*400*1350mm 2223531449@qq.com

8. GFM16-1 Fire extinguisher powder filler

Operation method of dry powder fire extinguisher filling equipment 1. Operation: 1The filling machine should be placed horizontally in a dry, clean and ventilated place; .2The working ambient temperature of the filling machine is -5℃ to 45℃; .3 Turn on the power supply and start the filling machine. When filling the powder, first put the empty bottle of the fire extinguisher on the electronic scale, put the filling module on the mouth of the fire extinguisher bottle, and press the peel button on the electronic scale to zero.Open the filling ball valve on the filling module to start filling the powder, and at the same time insert the stainless steel powder suction tube into the powder bag or powder bucket (note: the powder suction tube should be inserted into the deepest part of the powder); .4 Constantly move the powder suction tube to let the powder suction port suck the powder, do not let the air into the tube so as not to affect the filling speed; .5 When the filling reaches the specified weight, close the filling ball valve, remove the fire extinguisher and check the weight.; .6The optimal filling pressure during filling is -0.06MPa to -0.009MPa. When the pressure drops below -0.04MPa, the filling speed will slow down significantly. At this time, the filling ball valve can be closed and the vacuum pressure can be increased before filling.; .7 Before stopping, be sure to turn the rotating button on the control panel of the filling machine to the “cleaning” gear, and use the pulsed air flow generated during pressure relief to clean the residues on the filter element. After the vacuum pressure returns to “zero”, the total power supply can be turned off. 2. Maintenance : .1 Keep the filling machine clean and the oil level of the vacuum pump to ensure normal operation; .2 Dry powders containing impurities, dry powders with excessive moisture content, and dry powders that are not up to standard are strictly prohibited from being used to avoid damage to the equipment; .3 The filling machine should be used for 300-500 hours, and the dry powder in the filter barrel should be cleaned.; .4 When cleaning up the dry powder, the “Clean” button should be activated. After the pressure returns to zero, take a large plastic bag to cover the filter barrel and the lower cover plate, loosen the clamp on the cover plate, remove the cover plate, and pour the dry seam into the plastic bag.; GFM16-1 automatic fire extinguisher dry powder filling machine Technical parameters: Filling accuracy: 1KG≤±0.02 Filling speed: 5kg/min Voltage: AC380V or AC220V 50Hz Power: 1.1kw Weight: 110kg Volume: Length*width*height 870*590*1320mm  

9. GFM10-2S dry powder filling machine

Operating procedures of automatic ultrafine dry powder filling machine The operating procedures of the fully automatic ultrafine dry powder filling machine CGFM10-2 fully automatic ultrafine dry powder filling machine adopts vacuum jet technology to quickly inhale the dry powder into the loaded cylinder, and is equipped with XK3102-B1 weighing display instrument to automate and measure the filling process.                 Operating procedures:   1. Before powering on, please make sure that the switch is set on the “off” gear.Check for circuit breakage or leakage before operation;   2. When using, first set the quality of the dry powder that needs to be filled (such as 400g). Please ensure that the box is effectively grounded to ensure safety. It is strictly forbidden to touch the electrical circuits of the box by hand or with a damp cloth when energizing.   3. When filling, press start (pump up), the vacuum pump starts to work, and then place the cylinder to be filled.After the entire filling process is over, the filled cylinder is removed and placed in a new cylinder, and the filling will start automatically.   GFM10-2 dry powder filling machine Technical parameters: Filling accuracy: 1KG≤±0.015 Filling speed: 6-12kg/min Voltage: AC220V 50Hz Power: 0.55KW Weight: 100kg Volume: Length*width*height 800*600*1220mm    

10. GFM8-2 fire extinguisher powder filler

Detailed explanation of the operation method of dry powder filling machine 1. Preparation work 1.Cleaning: Before operation, the dry powder canning machine should be cleaned to ensure the hygiene and safety of the equipment. 2.Inspection: Check whether all parts of the equipment are intact, whether there are abnormal conditions such as loosening. 3.Prepare raw materials: The dry powder raw materials to be used are fully prepared, and ensure that the raw materials are clean and free of impurities. 2. Boot operation 1.Turn on the power supply: Turn on the power supply of the dry powder canning machine and turn on the main power switch. 2.Set parameters: According to the needs, set the parameters of the dry powder filling machine, including weighing data, combination data, filling speed, etc. 3.Turn on the manipulator: Turn on the manipulator and send the empty tank to the work area for filling. Three, the operation steps 1.Add raw materials: Put the prepared dry powder raw materials into the hopper. 2.Turn on the vibrator: Turn on the vibrator to ensure the smooth flow of dry powder raw materials. 3.Start filling: Through the set parameters, start the filling process and fill the dry powder into the empty tank. 4.Check the sealing: When the filling of the jar is completed, check the sealing of the jar and whether the filling amount is normal. 5.Complete the operation: When the filling work is completed, turn off the power of the equipment, clean the equipment and save it. Fourth, precautions 2223531449@qq.com 1.The equipment must be inspected and cleaned before operation to ensure the safety and hygiene of the equipment. 2.When setting the parameters, it should be adjusted according to the type of material to be filled and the packaging specifications. 3.Pay attention to maintaining the normal operation of the dry powder filling machine, and carry out regular maintenance and maintenance. 4.When a fault is found, stop in time and contact the maintenance personnel to deal with it. [Summary] This article introduces in detail the operation method of the dry powder canning machine, including preparation work, start-up operation, setting parameters, operating steps and precautions.The rational use of dry powder canning machines can improve packaging efficiency and quality, reduce production costs and labor workload. Filling precision 1kg≤+0.02 Filling speed 6-12kg/min Voltage AC380V&AC220V 50Hz Power 0.55KW&1.5KW Weight 200kg Volume length x width x height 1130x520x1350mm  
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